Archive for December, 2010

delicious cron bookmark backup

By Mark Davidson on December 31st, 2010

I’m a bit late covering this one but a few weeks back it came out that Yahoo are getting rid of delicious. Despite their claims they will find someone to take it over, I really don’t trust the fact that one day it might just get turned off. So I decided to write a simple cron that uses their API to backup my bookmarks every three hours and run it on one of my VPSs.

0 7-23/3 * * * curl https://username:[email protected]/v1/posts/all > /home/user/bookmarksBackup/$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H:%M').xml

Just add that entry to your crontab changing the username, password and path where you want to save it to appropriately. That’s it simple backup just in case Yahoo make an even worse decision than they already have.

vnstat Start Logging – Ubuntu 10.04

By Mark Davidson on December 30th, 2010

Recently I installed vnstat on one of my new Ubuntu VPSs. After running for a while I checked the stats and I found nothing had been logged.

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apc-beta Install – Ubuntu 10.04

By Mark Davidson on December 15th, 2010

Recently I installed the beta version of apc using pecl under Ubuntu 10.04, it took a few attempts before I worked out what the required libraries where so here is my very quick guide to getting it installed and running.

To perform the install, first install the required libraries and second install of apc itself.

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php-pear php5-dev libpcre3-dev
sudo pecl install apc-beta

When install apc you will be asked a couple of questions on configuration options best to leave them as default if you don’t know what they do. Once the install is complete you should get output saying.

Build process completed successfully
Installing '/usr/lib/php5/20090626/'
install ok: channel://
configuration option "php_ini" is not set to php.ini location
You should add "" to php.ini

Simply add the line as it says to you php.ini and job done. If you check your phpinfo page output you should see a section for apc saying ‘APC Support enabled’.

I know its a very simple process but second time I have had to spend time figuring out the required libraries and though I would save people time by posting this up.