Archive for March, 2010

NetBeans 6.9

By Mark Davidson on March 17th, 2010

I am a massive NetBeans fan and since NetBeans 6.9 is in the pipeline I thought I would do a quick post to point out some of the new features that are coming with the new release, which should be out some time in June.

So Whats New

You can check out a full list of whats new in 6.9 on the NetBeans Wiki New & Note Worthy Page. I will just be pointing out in this post a few of the features that paticularly interest me.

Build & Run JDK 6 Only

This has been coming for a long time I hadn’t read any release information when I first downloaded the latested source from mercurial and took me a bit to reliase I neeed to build with JDK 6. This is really good although slightly annoying if your running certain versions of OSX that don’t support Java 6.

Zend Framework Support (PHP)

This is one of the features I am most excited about since I am just starting to develop some web appliations using Zend its great to have my favourite IDE intergrate so well with the framework. As well as the obvious features such as being able to create a Zend Project and Syntax Completion there is also integration with all the Zend Commands that you would normally do with the script. For more details check out the NetBeans PHP Blog most on Zend Framework Support.

Improved PHPDoc in Code Completion (PHP)

A minor feature in some respects but I personally think a really good improvment. As I think people should use PHPDoc a lot more and this can only encourage people to use it to full effect.

PHP Code Formatting Improvments (PHP)

Finally it looks like NetBeans code formatting for PHP now has caught up to how customisable it is with Java. I am really pleased about this as it can be paticually annoying on some big projects if you cant easily enforce coding standards.

CSS Refactoring / Find Usages Support & CSS Code Completion

I can’t even begin to explain how pleased I am about this. CSS has always been a bit of a pain paticually when it came to restructuring or making any significant changes. Now with refactoring support its got 100x easier. This combined with CSS code completion I belive makes NetBeans a Web Developers dream.

JDK 7 Support

JDK 7 Support is also being added to this release this is really awesome. There is some really interesting new features in JDK 7 I will probably do an article about them at some point but for now check out the notes on the features that are currently being added to the editor.

Thats all I want to cover for now lots of awesome new features as always with a NetBeans release do check it out. You either want to download Milestone 1 or compile the latest version from source which I wrote a guide on a few weeks ago for doing it under OSX.

Also check out these links for more details


By Mark Davidson on March 11th, 2010

While setting up some iptables rules the other day to allow connections from a clients IP range to are servers in London. I needed to translate an IP range expressed as a CIDR to real from and to values. I remembered being taught how to do so in college but that was a long time ago now so was looking for an online tool, I couldn’t find any I liked so I checked for a Linux tool. I found one called sipcalc which is really good. Not only can it do what I needed with translating the CIDR notation it can do a few other calculations / conversions as well.

Simple install process under Ubuntu just the usual

sudo apt-get install sipcalc

Once install its ready to go. To convert an IP range expressed in CIDR format you simply do

-[ipv4 :] - 0

Host address            -
Host address (decimal)  - 2769512449
Host address (hex)      - A5136801
Network address         -
Network mask            -
Network mask (bits)     - 23
Network mask (hex)      - FFFFFE00
Broadcast address       -
Cisco wildcard          -
Addresses in network    - 512
Network range           - -
Usable range            - -

This is what I needed to do and it worked just fine giving me the network range and more.

Another useful one is to pass in an IP address and subnet mask this once again is a simple way of getting details about the IP range

-[ipv4 :] - 0

Host address            -
Host address (decimal)  - 167772500
Host address (hex)      - A000154
Network address         -
Network mask            -
Network mask (bits)     - 24
Network mask (hex)      - FFFFFF00
Broadcast address       -
Cisco wildcard          -
Addresses in network    - 256
Network range           - -
Usable range            - -

The final example which is probably the most useful to people is to pass in an interface as the parameter

sipcalc -i eth0
-[int-ipv4 : eth0] - 0

Host address            -
Host address (decimal)  - 1836798148
Host address (hex)      - 6D7B50C4
Network address         -
Network mask            -
Network mask (bits)     - 24
Network mask (hex)      - FFFFFF00
Broadcast address       -
Cisco wildcard          -
Addresses in network    - 256
Network range           - -
Usable range            - -

iptables Allow UDP traceroute

By Mark Davidson on March 3rd, 2010

If your running iptables most likely your default INPUT policy will be DROP its easy enough to allow most things through and to allow basic pinging to be performed against the server etc.

However traceroute can be a bit more of a problem to allow since if traceroute is being performed using UDP you need to stop the packets going to a wide range of ports from being dropped. Since you really don’t want to open up all the ports it requires most people just leave it and that means you can only traceroute using ICMP.

The best way I have found to get around this is to just set a REJECT on the port range no need for an ACCEPT and everything works fine.

sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m udp --dport 33434:33523 -m state --state NEW -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable